The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® were created by Dr. Rosita Arvigo by combining traditional Maya and western massage techniques. The therapy is an effective way to approach healing and achieve balance for the vital abdominal organs.
During a session, external manipulation gently relaxes the core and guides the abdominal organs into proper alignment. This work encourages the flow of nutrient rich blood into the area. Organs in their optimal position function more effectively and allow for the free flow of blood, lymph, and nerve signals, bringing the whole body into balance.
Relief from a variety of conditions
Digestive Health
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Chron’s / Celiac (no active flares)
Urinary Dysfunction
Chronic Low Back Pain / Sciatica
Reproductive Health
Painful / Irregular Periods
Postpartum Care
Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome
For pelvic pain I strongly recommend combining abdominal work with pelvic floor physical therapy. As a massage therapist I am not qualified to perform the deeper internal work you may need.
*Abdominal work is a wonderful compliment for clients working with other fertility specialists. It is outside of my scope of practice to diagnose or treat the core causes of infertility.
What to expect from a session
I will start each session with a series of gentle strokes on your abdomen. Each stroke lightly impacts the organs and ligaments between your pubic bone and rib cage. Draping with a chest cover will be used at all times while your abdomen is exposed.
While organ manipulation is a major part of Arvigo® treatments, you might be surprised to learn that only a small portion of your session focuses on the abdomen. I will also spend time palpating and stretching your sacrum, hips, low back, and glutes. Soft tissues in these areas provide crucial support for your pelvis- the foundation on which the abdominal organs rest. Pelvic alignment has a powerful impact on the position and health of your reproductive and digestive organs.
Choosing Arvigo® empowers you to make an impact on your own health. Following your session, I will teach you a simple self-care routine that you can do between sessions. I will provide you with resources, be available for questions, and may suggest optional supportive treatments.